Sunday, January 27, 2013

✧ Sephora Cinderella Collection ✧

Okay, I bought this collection this past September and I have no idea why it's taken me so long to take pictures of it. I guess I kept forgetting. Anyway, I haven't messed with palette much yet, but the other day I wore "Rococo" and "Chateau".

On to the photos!

Top 2: Cardboard box the palette came in (too pretty to throw away!)
Bottom: front of the palette
The palette is a pull-out kind of thing, which is okay since it comes out completely.

L to R: Maiden, All Aglow, Destined, Cinderelly

L to R: Pumpkin Coach, Ball Gown, Killjoy, Fairy Godmother

L to R: Glass Slipper, Royal, Gus Gus, Charming

L to R: Chateau, Palace, Drizella, Cinders

L to R: Jaq, Midnight, A Wish, Rococo

Now onto the lipsticks (which I also haven't had the chance to use... oops!)

Cardboard packaging 

I thought it was cute how on the caps, there was a C shaped like the pumpkin coach! :3

Lady Tremaine


My Moment

L to R: Lady Tremaine, Pumpkin, Who Is She?, My Moment
Okay, I guess I accidentally deleted a photo of either Pumpkin or Who Is She because they were blurry, so I have no idea which one is pictured in the second photo. Sorry!

And last, nail polishes!


L to R: Step Off, Sister! and So Totally Enchanted

L to R: Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Pink! and I Blue My Curfew

L to R: Self-Maid Millionaire and Rags to Rhinestones

And that's it!
There was also a fragrance to the collection, but it didn't buy it because: 1. I already own too many perfumes and sprays, and 2. I wasn't sure it would smell nice and it was pretty expensive
I'm super iffy about buying scents online without having smelled them in person.

I really hope that Sephora comes out with more Disney Princess inspired collections because if there was a Little Mermaid one, I would buy it ALL!


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