Saturday, January 26, 2013

♥ Clothes ♥

Obviously I LOVE buying clothes, but I think these might be my favorite ones so far, besides my new everyday purse!

From Target: Faux Leather Jacket and a Lilac Shoulder Bag
The jacket was $40 which is pretty cheap for most faux leather jackets that I've seen. And this looks so good with a dress (I wore it yesterday) and I bet it will look just as nice with a skirt!
And I really only got the bag because it was on clearance for $12.50 and it was the last one in my Target, so I couldn't resist~

Within in the next week I will probably buy a dress or two from there also (of course I couldn't find stock photos online), but I'm clearly gonna post them here if I do because I'm kind of obsessed with this.

Detail pictures:

I love the "quilted" pattern on this! Pretty sure that's 90% why I got it.

Love, love, LOVE this color~


1 comment:

Adele Huang said...

OMG the pink bag is sooo cute!~ * o *