Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Bit of a Haul

Went to the Florida Mall in Orlando today to try and get my phone fixed (sadly it didn't)
Anyway, while there I went to MAC, Lush, and Sephora and I thought I'd share what I got (no pictures though because I'm lazy)


  • Matchmaster Foundation SPF 15 in 2.0
  • Prep + Prime Skin Refined Zone Treatment
  • Fluidline in Blacktrack
  • Cupcake Fresh Face Mask
  • Grease Lightning (sample)
  • Karma soap
  • Twilight bath bomb
  • Dragon's Egg bath bomb
  • Pink bath bomb
  • Nail file (for my car)
  • Urban Decay All Nighter Spray
  • Boscia Pore Purifying Black Strips
  • Stila One Step Correct Primer (sample)
  • MakeUp Forever 500 point perk
In the MakeUp Forever 500 point perk is their HD primer, Aqua Eyes liner in 0L (black), Smoky Lash mascara in Extra Black, HD Microfinish Powder, and Lab Shine gloss in S2. All mini sizes of course but still awesome. This is the first 500 point perk that I've actually liked and I've had 600+ points for like a year haha.

And what's funny about the primer sample is that the girl just handed me the little jar they use and told me to get it and I said to my mom "she shouldn't have done that cause I'm gonna fill this up all the way", she even helped me tap it down so I could get more haha. I hate when they give you a sample cause they only do like two pumps of whatever it is and it's like, really how am I supposed to put that all over my face?

Today was good (minus the phone crap).

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